Saint Rose School
Saint Rose School
Non-Profit Organizations
Welcome to St. Rose School. The years 2020 and 2021 have been the years to end all years. And we begin anew. St. Rose School enters its 61st year as we exit the severe eighteen month time of pandemic. We express our gratitude now for so many things...Teachers, Staff, Students, their Families...prepared well and selflessly to open the school, teach and learn, lift up and support each other for in-person learning and at-home learning from August 2020 through May 2021. There can be no doubt, our teachers and staff have been stalwart in their efforts to comply with the COVID-19 Return to School Protocol and to continue to teach to the standards and virtues in new and unique ways. We have a proud tradition at St. Rose School and together, we carried on through a very difficult time. St. Rose School was established by our founders, Monsignor James Corcoran and the Sisters of Mercy. St. Rose School is a Catholic elementary school (Transitional Kindergarten through Eighth Grade) serving the families of St. Rose of Lima Parish and the surrounding parishes of Roseville, Lincoln, Rocklin, Loomis, Granite Bay, Orangevale, Citrus Heights, and Antelope. Since our doors opened in 1961, St. Rose School has provided an education grounded in the Catholic faith. While we endeavor to teach “the whole child,” the core curriculum is academically challenging and is designed to help students prepare for the additional rigors of high school, college, and career. We want our graduates to become valuable members of the greater community by integrating faith, service, leadership, and academic excellence. Proudly, our alumni are a visible sign of the value of a Catholic education over these many years. Every member of our St. Rose School community, faculty, staff, our priests, and our families, support the children in reaching their fullest academic, and social potential while learning and experiencing the richness of the Catholic faith through their developing relationship with a loving God. Our Catholic faith and values and our practice of Virtue are reflected in every aspect of our school, from the lesson plans to the physical structure. A cornerstone to our school, St. Rose School, is that we are a COMMUNITY OF FAITH, first and foremost. We can accomplish great things, in faith, in school, at work, in our lives when we and our children turn to the community to which they belong in blessing, grace, and gratitude. Welcome to St. Rose School!
Membership Type
**RACC Non-Profit Membership (Renewal)