@the Grounds

@the Grounds
Event Center
@the Grounds provides Placer County and the Sacramento region a premier venue to gather, celebrate and compete while fostering economic and community growth.
@the Grounds exists because we believe Roseville, and the entire Placer Valley, is truly a destination. The Roebbelen Center and the entire 55 acre campus exist to make possible the events that help make this area so unique and exciting. @the Grounds has been the home of the Placer County Fair for more than 84 years, as well as the home of events ranging from trade shows to weddings and birthdays. This community favorite has undergone extensive renovations to Jones Hall, Johnson Hall, and the rest of the campus. This includes the 160,000 square foot, $34 million dollar Roebbelen Center.

Membership Type
*RACC Business Membership (Renewals)